Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I need help. My blog is boring; I need a new background. And I need to find out how you all add photos of your family members on the side so that the photo isn't so small... see the one of my man? The photo is so small and squished. How can I make the photo size larger?

Please help.

I want my blog to be cool and fun and (insert word that describes something really great!)


Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have been absent from the bloggosphere for awhile. Did you notice? We had vacations and back to school and now I am in the back to regular routine mode. I kind of like structure (aka control freak). I haven't scheduled our dinners for the month yet, but its on the list.

The problem is, a lot of things are on the list. A few months ago I lost my motivation and I still can't find it. Has this happened to you? How did you get your moto back?

Please help. I am cranky without it.